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blending board
{rtf1ansideff0uc1ansicpg1252deftab720{fonttbl{f0fnilfcharset1 ARIAL;}{f1fnilfcharset2 Wingdings;}{f2fnilfcharset2 Symbol;}}{colortblred0green0blue0;red255green0blue0;red0green128blue0;red0green0blue255;red255green255blue0;red255green0blue255;red128green0blue128;red128green0blue0;red0green255blue0;red0green255blue255;red0green128blue128;red0green0blue128;red255green255blue255;red192green192blue192;red128green128blue128;red0green0blue0;red0green0blue0;}wpprheadfoot1paperw12240paperh15840margl360margr360margt360margb360headery720footery720ftnbjsftnbjsftnrstcontnocolbalsftnnarsaftnnarfet0endnheresectdefaultcl{*generator WPTools_7.000-PRM;}{plainfs18 The blending board is the perfect tool for creating exciting, multi-coloured rolags for spinning, or batts for felting, and itu8217 ?s lots of fun to use. It differs from other carding tools in that it allows you to u8216 ?paintu8217 ? with fibre over a large, flat area of carding cloth to create controlled layers of fibre. par
plainfs18 Featurespar
plainfs18 Portable - you can work with it on a table, on your lap, and even pack it up and take it on holiday. par
plainfs18 Lightweightpar
plainfs18 Quick and easy to assemble par
plainfs18 Convenient carry handle par
plainfs18 Card cloth has wire teeth with a special protective coating and a flexible rubber backing for long lifepar